16 Sep Native Lobsters hit the menu
Faber is all about the abundance of British coastal ingredients and here is a beginner's guide to foraging on our shorelines....
Faber is all about the abundance of British coastal ingredients and here is a beginner's guide to foraging on our shorelines....
No it's not fish, but it is very British, very seasonal and where sourced appropriately sustainable. A perfect Autumnal or winter dish to warm the cockles....
Reputed to be the very first cocktail created. Loved by sailors & pirates The Grog! One of Faber's signature cocktails...
We're making a classic oyster stout using British coastal ingredients in collaboration with Unbarred Brewery, Maldon Oysters & Câr y Môr ...
A popular dish from our winter menu at Faber, perfect family dish for vegetarians and made using British produce. ...
Our very own recipe, British spring ingredients, bringing together tart and sweet flavours to balance the perfect gin fizz. ...
Early spring, Wye Valley asparagus with Spendwood sheeps cheese sauce and finely grated Kentish cobnuts recipe ...
Alcohol free cocktails made for all tastes and still using British coastal ingredients. ...
One of our first lessons in the kitchen and one we've had plenty of practise at. How to fillet a whole fish. Here's our Faber method and tops....
Our original recipe Old Fashioned made with Cornish rye whiskey and Welsh seaweed....